How to Create a Brand Guide with Tomco AI

Creating a brand guide is a crucial step in building a recognizable and consistent brand identity for your company. It helps to establish guidelines for how your brand should look, feel, and sound across all marketing channels. However, crafting a brand guide can be time-consuming and challenging.

That's where Tomco AI comes in! With its guided Brand Guide template, you can easily create a comprehensive and professional brand guide in no time. In this blog, we'll take you through the steps to use Tomco AI's Brand Guide template to create your company's marketing brand guide.

Define Your Brand Identity

The first step in creating a brand guide is to define your brand's identity. This includes elements such as your brand's values, mission statement, target audience, and unique selling proposition. Use Tomco AI's guided prompts to answer each of these questions and create a cohesive and consistent brand identity that speaks to your target audience.

Design Elements

Your brand's visual identity is just as important as its messaging. This section of the Brand Guide template prompts you to define your brand's color palette, typography, logo usage, and overall design style. Tomco AI's template provides guided prompts to help you determine each element and ensure your brand's visual identity is cohesive and on-brand.

Simply input the company name, description of your business, keywords, structure, and output language.

Template in Action

Here's an example of a brand guide created by Tomco AI in seconds:


Tomco AI is a revolutionary writing assistant that utilizes artificial intelligence to generate high-quality content in a matter of seconds. With its smart and professional approach, Tomco AI is the perfect solution for businesses and individuals looking to save time and money while producing top-notch content. In this marketing branding guide, we will explore the various aspects of Tomco AI's brand identity, messaging, and imaging, as well as provide guidelines for maintaining a consistent and effective brand image.


Tomco AI's brand identity is centered around its innovative and intelligent approach to content creation. The brand is designed to convey a sense of professionalism and reliability, while also highlighting its affordability and time-saving benefits. To achieve this, the following elements should be considered:

- Logo: The Tomco AI logo should be simple, modern, and easily recognizable. It should incorporate the brand's colors and convey a sense of intelligence and innovation.

- Color scheme: The brand's color scheme should be consistent across all marketing materials and reflect the brand's identity. The primary colors should be blue and white, with accents of green and gray.

- Typography: The font used in all marketing materials should be modern and easy to read. The primary font should be sans-serif, with a secondary font for headings and subheadings.


Tomco AI's brand voice should be professional, intelligent, and approachable. The brand should convey a sense of expertise and reliability, while also being friendly and easy to work with. To achieve this, the following guidelines should be followed:

- Tone: The brand's tone should be informative and helpful, while also being conversational and approachable.

- Language: The language used in all marketing materials should be clear and concise, avoiding jargon and technical terms whenever possible.

- Style: The brand's style should be consistent across all marketing materials, with a focus on professionalism and expertise.


Tomco AI's messaging should focus on its key benefits, including its intelligence, affordability, and time-saving capabilities. The messaging should be clear and concise, highlighting the brand's unique selling points. To achieve this, the following guidelines should be followed:

- Key benefits: The messaging should focus on the brand's key benefits, including its intelligence, affordability, and time-saving capabilities.

- Unique selling points: The messaging should highlight the brand's unique selling points, such as its AI-powered technology and high-quality content generation.

- Call to action: The messaging should include a clear call to action, encouraging potential customers to try Tomco AI for themselves.


Tomco AI's keywords should reflect its key benefits and unique selling points. The following keywords should be used consistently across all marketing materials:

- Smart

- Professional

- Affordable

- Time-saving

- AI-powered

- High-quality

Brand Guidelines:

To maintain a consistent and effective brand image, the following guidelines should be followed:

- Consistency: The brand's identity, voice, and messaging should be consistent across all marketing materials.

- Quality: All marketing materials should be of high quality, reflecting the brand's professionalism and expertise.

- Accessibility: The brand should be accessible and approachable, with a focus on helping customers achieve their goals.


Tomco AI's imaging should reflect its brand identity and messaging. The following guidelines should be followed:

- Visuals: All visuals should be consistent with the brand's color scheme and convey a sense of intelligence and innovation.

- Photography: Photography should be professional and high-quality, reflecting the brand's professionalism and expertise.

- Video: Video content should be informative and engaging, highlighting the brand's key benefits and unique selling points.

Tips & Tricks

Here are a few tips to ensure your brand guide is effective and useful:

Keep it concise and easy to understand.

Include examples of how to use your brand's elements.

Update it regularly to reflect any changes in your brand identity.

With Tomco AI's guided Brand Guide template, creating a professional and comprehensive marketing brand guide has never been easier. By following the steps outlined in this blog, you can confidently create a cohesive and consistent brand identity that speaks to your target audience and sets your company apart from the competition.

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